In light of the New Year tomorrow, we at Kettering-Oakwood Heating & Air would like to take this time to encourage our many wonderful customers to consider including Energy Efficiency to their list of New Year’s Resolutions for the coming year — 2021.
Energy experts say American homeowners spend over $1,400 a year on energy, on average, and home heating and cooling is said to account for at least half of that.
Because we enjoy helping homeowners save energy and money, the following is our list of Top 10 Energy Saving Tips:
Top 10 Energy Saving Tips for 2021
1. Seasonal maintenance is a must.
Staying consistent each year and having one of our certified heating and cooling technicians perform tune-ups and inspect your home heating and cooling systems is a sure way to save you on energy costs. It will also keep you and your family safe and comfortable all year long and help you avoid having to deal with unexpected breakdowns and other problems, which tend to happen when we least expect them. Essentially, the savings also include the value of peace of mind knowing your systems are going to perform optimally all year long — not to mention the fact that they will perform faithfully for many more years to come.
2. Replace all HVAC filters regularly to ensure proper airflow.
When air filters get old and dirty and become obstructed, they force your heating and cooling equipment to work harder than necessary. This needless strain on your HVAC equipment causes wear and tear and other damages as your home comfort systems struggle to maintain adequate temperatures. By frequently checking and changing all your air filters (as often as every month during the winter) you save money in a variety of ways, among them being energy costs.
3. Be proactive and upgrade any outdated HVAC equipment.
If your HVAC equipment is more than 10 to 15 years old, it’s always a good idea to begin to consider an appropriate time to replace it. By planning ahead, and staying ahead of the curve, you can avert major system failures, expensive repair costs and massive energy drains that add up over time. The energy savings are so much, in fact, that often homeowners discover their new equipment cuts their heating and cooling costs in half. Often, the ends (as in the savings) justify the means (the cost of installing it), especially when one accounts for the cumulative costs of repairing an old system that’s still going to need to be replaced sooner or later.
4. Identify and repair any air leaks in your air ducts.
Unless you have new ductwork in place, have one of our technicians check your air ducts to find and repair possible air leaks. If your air duct system has damage, dents, holes or if it’s gotten loose around the joints and seams, finding and fixing air leakage is essential. It will save you substantial money in a host of ways. Because heating and cooling accounts for so much energy consumption in a dwelling, it is crucial to keep all the treated air inside your home free flowing to where it needs to go in order to keep your system running like it was meant to run, which is smooth. If you aren’t sure or if you believe there might be air leaking from your air duct system, give us a call right away! We’d be more than happy to help!
5. Whole-home humidifiers are money savers.
Investing in a whole-home humidifier can save you as much as 20 percent off your heating costs, not to mention all the health benefits that come with having one of these wonderful Indoor Air Quality devices. The reason they help you save is because proper levels of humidity keep warm air inside a home much longer. Humidity holds heat and makes air feel warmer. As a bonus, humidifiers help everyone sleep and breathe better, preventing skin from drying out in addition to preventing static electricity from becoming a problem. There are also health benefits and benefits to the wood in your home, which can dry out and become damaged in winter’s arid air.
6. Time for a thermostat upgrade.
For those who have not done so yet, New Year’s is a great time to consider a thermostat upgrade. Having a Smart Thermostat (or Wi-Fi Thermostat) installed will save you all sorts of hard-earned cash that could go elsewhere. Smart thermostats (as well as programmable thermostats) are very affordable nowadays as well. They cost less than you’d think and they’re smart-home friendly. In short, they pay for themselves in no time. Moreover, these modern gadgets enable you to adjust your home’s temperature from your smartphone, tablet or any other device from any place, any time. Ultimately, they learn your usual schedule to adjust themselves automatically while you’re sleeping or while you’re away at work, which gives your system, and budget, a much-needed break.
7. Lower water temp in washing appliances.
Most of our washing appliances, like our washing machines and dishwashers, use up a lot of heated water from your water supply whenever you use them. Whenever you use these home appliances during the winter, keep this in mind. Heating up all that water costs more when it’s colder outside. Plus you might be surprised by how well you can wash your things using cooler water than before. In fact, many homeowners go one step further and lower the temperature on their hot water heaters as well.
8. Keep your chimney’s flue damper closed.
We all realize how fireplaces can be nice and warm and festive during the holiday season. Fireplaces are popular this time of year because they boost that wonderful holiday atmosphere and increase the ambiance. Nonetheless, leaving your chimney’s flue damper open all winter is extremely wasteful as the energy drainage is expensive! An open flue enables a ton of warmed air to run up and escape out your chimney in a hurry. This, in turn, forces your system to have to work overtime to heat your home. In the end, this makes energy bills go sky high just like that warm air — all the while putting unnecessary strain on your system that causes premature wear and tear.
9. Check into installing energy-efficient windows.
Although this can be a bit pricey, newer windows that are designed to save energy can pay for themselves quickly, especially when the windows you have are energy-draining deviants that were installed a long time ago. Merely getting an estimate on replacement costs with the estimated savings will give you an idea of how much you’re wasting, or even better how much you’d be saving. Most of these quotes are free by the way, aside from the cost and convenience of your time — a price that’s well worth paying for considering the insight you gain in your current windows.
10. Keep baseboard heaters and air registers clean and open.
In addition to keeping certain things in the home that give off heat like these free of clutter and clean, it’s essential to make sure there isn’t any sort of carpeting, furniture or draperies obstructing airflow around them as well. If anything is hindering the flow of heat that your radiators, baseboards and registers are releasing, it will likely make your system have to operate in longer cycles, which will cost you more money. Quite simply, it’s just good practice to keep them clean for safety as well as efficiency reasons.
For any and all your HVAC needs in 2021 — We are standing by!!!
If you’re looking for ways to save on energy costs in 2021, or if you need any other type of assistance related to any sort of HVAC issue, please don’t delay giving us a call right away! We have a whole team of friendly experts who are standing by who can guide you through any sort of HVAC problem stress free!
To learn more, or to book an appointment with an expert technician, call Kettering-Oakwood Heating & Air today at 937-502-3842, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!
Otherwise, from our family to yours, Have a Happy and Energy-Efficient New Year!