Spring weather is finally here and homeowners in Central Ohio are looking forward to turning off their furnaces and opening up their windows this season. While many people simply switch from heating to cooling with the turn of the season, there are a few additional steps that are proven to increase system efficiency, lifespan, and the general comfort within a home. That’s why we at
Kettering-Oakwood Heating & Air put together a comprehensive list of reasons to invest in your furnace this season.
- Routine Maintenance Lengthens System Lifespan
Most furnaces last between 15 and 20 years, but with routine maintenance, you can lengthen the lifespan of your furnace system to up to 30 years.
- Clean HVAC Systems Are More Efficient
Cleaning out blockages in your vents like dirt, dust, and dander significantly increases overall system efficiency. You can easily do this by vacuuming out your vents, or hiring a professional to clean out your air ducts. Because windows and doors are closed in the winter, dust can build up in your home and make its way into your furnace’s blower motor. By cleaning out your air vents and ducts, you can increase efficiency and decrease your electric bill.
- Seasonal Check Ups Can Reduce the Chances for Costly Repairs
In the heating and cooling industry, we know that the longer a problem exists, the worse it becomes. If left unchecked, asymptomatic issues in your furnace can easily develop and cause problems without you even knowing it. In addition, your cooling system has remained dormant since summer, and there may be some problems that have popped up since the last time it was turned on. By scheduling a check up, a professional can easily check for loose parts, malfunctioning systems, or outdated equipment. This will ensure that any problems are caught early and before you turn your cooling system on this summer.
Give us a call for help!
If you’re looking for a trustworthy HVAC company to take care of your seasonal check up this spring, you can call Kettering-Oakwood Heating & Air today at 937-502-3842, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here! In addition, we are always happy to answer any questions you may have, so give us a call today!