How to Stay Cool with a Broken AC

Jul 1, 2024 | How To, AC, Air Conditioner, Blinds, Broken, Ceiling Fans, Cool, Cool Air, Exterior Doors, Summer, Warm Air, Windows

If your AC has suddenly broken down, you might feel like you’re melting under Ohio’s scorching summer sun. Now, hopefully, you’ve already called Kettering-Oakwood Heating & Air, because we offer 24/7 emergency services all year round. Our dedicated NATE-certified technicians are ready to provide top-notch customer service whenever you need it most, any day of the year! 

While you wait for our speedy arrival, we understand you might be uncomfortable and looking for ways to keep cool. Here are some quick tips to help you and your family stay as comfortable as possible until we get there. Your comfort is our priority! 

While you wait for our technicians, keep cool with these handy tips: 

  • Spin your ceiling fans counter-clockwise  
  • Draw the blinds and drapes for shade  
  • Keep exterior doors closed  
  • Open windows at night for a cool breeze  
  • Skip the heat-inducing appliances  
  • Try a DIY temporary AC  

Here’s how you can stay cool in the meantime:  

  1. Spin your ceiling fans counter-clockwise: Did you know most ceiling fans spin clockwise by default? This usually pushes air down to create a cool breeze when your AC is running. But with a non-working AC, you should try switching your fans counterclockwise! This nifty trick pulls up the cool air and spreads it around more, making the room much more comfortable. Not sure where the switch is? It’s usually on the base of your ceiling fan. Give it a try and feel the difference! 
  1. Draw the blinds and drapes for shade: Block out the sunlight by closing all your blinds, drapes, and window treatments. Don’t forget to shut your windows too—keeping them open during the day won’t do much to stop the warm air from sneaking in! Keep your home cool and comfortable. 
  1. Keep exterior doors closed: Keep the cool air in and the warm air out! Try to minimize opening front, back, basement, and garage doors as much as possible. Every time you open a door, you risk losing that precious cool air and inviting unwanted warmth into your home. 
  1. Open windows at night for a cool breeze: Take advantage of the cool evening breeze to chill your home. Don’t hesitate to open your windows and let that refreshing air in. Just remember to close them in the morning to keep the coolness inside! 
  1. Skip the Heat-Producing Appliances: Using appliances like the stove, dryer, and dishwasher will only make your home hotter. While you’re waiting for your AC to get fixed, try to avoid using them if you can. Keep cool and stay comfortable!  
  1. Try a DIY Temporary AC: This last tip is a bit “out of the box,” but that’s where creativity meets innovation! You can create your own little temporary “AC” by placing a big bowl of ice in front of an electric fan. As the fan blows air over the ice, the ice will cool down the air passing over it, providing you with a bit of relief! So, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy this clever hack while we handle the heavy work to get your AC back in action!  

These tips will keep you cool while waiting for your AC repair. At Kettering-Oakwood Heating & Air, we’re dedicated to delivering top-notch, efficient service. Our HVAC expertise ensures you get the best care possible. Don’t wait—call us today! Our passionate team is ready to provide exceptional customer service and meet all your home comfort needs!  

Still need to book an appointment to fix your air conditioner? No worries! We’d love to help out and service your home! Call Kettering-Oakwood Heating & Air today at (937) 502-3842, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here